In this page:-
# | Constellation | Genitive | Abbr. | Meaning | Area |
1 | Andromeda | Andromedae | And | Daughter of Cassiopeia | 722.278 |
2 | Antlia | Antliae | Ant | The Air Pump | 238.901 |
3 | Apus | Apodis | Aps | Bird of Paradise | 206.327 |
4 | Aquarius | Aquarii | Aqr | The Water-bearer | 979.854 |
5 | Aquila | Aquilae | Aql | The Eagle | 652.473 |
6 | Ara | Arae | Ara | The Altar | 237.057 |
7 | Aries | Arietis | Ari | The Ram | 441.395 |
8 | Auriga | Aurigae | Aur | The Charioteer | 657.438 |
9 | Bootes | Bootis | Boo | The Herdsman | 906.831 |
10 | Caelum | Caeli | Cae | The Chisel | 124.865 |
11 | Camelopardalis | Camelopardalis | Cam | The Giraffe | 756.828 |
12 | Cancer | Cancri | Cnc | The Crab | 505.872 |
13 | Canes Venatici | Canum Venaticorum | CVn | The Hunting Dogs | 465.194 |
14 | Canis Major | Canis Majoris | CMa | The Big Dog | 380.118 |
15 | Canis Minor | Canis Minoris | CMi | The Little Dog | 183.367 |
16 | Capricornus | Capricorni | Cap | The Goat | 413.947 |
17 | Carina | Carinae | Car | The Keel | 494.184 |
18 | Cassiopeia | Cassiopeiae | Cas | The Queen | 598.407 |
19 | Centaurus | Centauri | Cen | The Centaur | 1060.422 |
20 | Cepheus | Cephei | Cep | The King | 587.787 |
21 | Cetus | Ceti | Cet | The Whale | 1231.411 |
22 | Chamaeleon | Chamaeleontis | Cha | The Chameleon | 131.592 |
23 | Circinus | Circini | Cir | The Compasses | 93.353 |
24 | Columba | Columbae | Col | The Dove | 270.184 |
25 | Coma Berenices | Comae Berenices | Com | Berenice's Hair | 386.475 |
26 | Corona Australis | Coronae Australis | CrA | The Southern Crown | 127.696 |
27 | Corona Borealis | Coronae Borealis | CrB | The Northern Crown | 178.710 |
28 | Corvus | Corvi | Crv | The Crow | 183.801 |
29 | Crater | Crateris | Crt | The Cup | 282.398 |
30 | Crux | Crucis | Cru | The Cross | 68.447 |
31 | Cygnus | Cygni | Cyg | The Swan | 803.983 |
32 | Delphinus | Delphini | Del | The Dolphin | 188.549 |
33 | Dorado | Doradus | Dor | The Swordfish | 179.173 |
34 | Draco | Draconis | Dra | The Dragon | 1082.952 |
35 | Equuleus | Equulei | Equ | The Little Horse | 71.641 |
36 | Eridanus | Eridani | Eri | The River | 1137.919 |
37 | Fornax | Fornacis | For | The Furnace | 397.502 |
38 | Gemini | Geminorum | Gem | The Twins | 513.761 |
39 | Grus | Gruis | Gru | The Crane (bird) | 365.513 |
40 | Hercules | Herculis | Her | The Son of Zeus | 1225.148 |
41 | Horologium | Horologii | Hor | The Clock | 248.885 |
42 | Hydra | Hydrae | Hya | The Water Snake | 1302.844 |
43 | Hydrus | Hydri | Hyi | The Water Snake | 243.035 |
44 | Indus | Indi | Ind | The Indian | 294.006 |
45 | Lacerta | Lacertae | Lac | The Lizard | 200.688 |
46 | Leo | Leonis | Leo | The Lion | 946.964 |
47 | Leo Minor | Leonis Minoris | LMi | The Little Lion | 231.956 |
48 | Lepus | Leporis | Lep | The Hare | 290.291 |
49 | Libra | Librae | Lib | The Balance | 538.052 |
50 | Lupus | Lupi | Lup | The Wolf | 333.683 |
51 | Lynx | Lyncis | Lyn | The Lynx | 545.386 |
52 | Lyra | Lyrae | Lyr | The Lyre | 286.476 |
53 | Mensa | Mensae | Men | The Table | 153.484 |
54 | Microscopium | Microscopii | Mic | The Microscope | 209.513 |
55 | Monoceros | Monocerotis | Mon | The Unicorn | 481.569 |
56 | Musca | Muscae | Mus | The Fly | 138.355 |
57 | Norma | Normae | Nor | The Square | 165.290 |
58 | Octans | Octantis | Oct | The Octant | 291.045 |
59 | Ophiuchus | Ophiuchi | Oph | The Serpent-bearer | 948.340 |
60 | Orion | Orionis | Ori | The Hunter | 594.120 |
61 | Pavo | Pavonis | Pav | The Peacock | 377.666 |
62 | Pegasus | Pegasi | Peg | The Winged Horse | 1120.794 |
63 | Perseus | Persei | Per | Rescuer of Andromeda | 614.997 |
64 | Phoenix | Phoenicis | Phe | The Phoenix | 469.319 |
65 | Pictor | Pictoris | Pic | The Painter | 246.739 |
66 | Pisces | Piscium | Psc | The Fishes | 889.417 |
67 | Piscis Austrinus | Piscis Austrini | PsA | The Southern Fish | 245.375 |
68 | Puppis | Puppis | Pup | The Stern | 673.434 |
69 | Pyxis | Pyxidis | Pyx | The Compass | 220.833 |
70 | Reticulum | Reticuli | Ret | The Reticle | 113.936 |
71 | Sagitta | Sagittae | Sge | The Arrow | 79.932 |
72 | Sagittarius | Sagittarii | Sgr | The Archer | 867.432 |
73 | Scorpius | Scorpii | Sco | The Scorpion | 496.783 |
74 | Sculptor | Sculptoris | Scl | The Sculptor | 474.764 |
75 | Scutum | Scuti | Sct | The Shield | 109.114 |
76 | Serpens | Serpentis | Ser | The Serpent | 636.928 |
77 | Sextans | Sextantis | Sex | The Sextant | 313.515 |
78 | Taurus | Tauri | Tau | The Bull | 797.249 |
79 | Telescopium | Telescopii | Tel | The Telescope | 251.512 |
80 | Triangulum | Trianguli | Tri | The Triangle | 131.847 |
81 | Triangulum Australe | Trianguli Australis | TrA | The Southern Triangle | 109.978 |
82 | Tucana | Tucanae | Tuc | The Toucan | 294.557 |
83 | Ursa Major | Ursae Majoris | UMa | The Great Bear | 1279.660 |
84 | Ursa Minor | Ursae Minoris | UMi | The Little Bear | 255.864 |
85 | Vela | Velorum | Vel | The Sails | 499.649 |
86 | Virgo | Virginis | Vir | The Maiden | 1294.428 |
87 | Volans | Volantis | Vol | The Flying Fish | 141.354 |
88 | Vulpecula | Vulpeculae | Vul | The Fox | 268.165 |
Constellation | Arabic Name | Arabic Name | Arabic Meaning | N/S | Picture |
Andromeda | Al-Mara'ah Al-Musalsalah | The Shackled Woman | N | Click | |
Antlia | Mefraghat Al-Hawa' | The Air Pump | S | Click* | |
Apus | Tta'er Al-Ferdaws | Bird of Paradise | S | Click* | |
Aquarius | Ad-Dalw | The Well-bucket | S | Click | |
Aquila | Al-'Okab | The Eagle | N-S | Click | |
Ara | Al-Mijmarah | The Censer | S | Click | |
Aries | Al-Hamal | The Ram | N | Click | |
Auriga | Momsek Al-A'aennah | The Reins-holder | N | Click | |
Bootes | Al-'Awwa' | The Howler | N | Click | |
Caelum | Aalat An-Naqqash | The Sculptor's Tool | S | Click* | |
Camelopardalis | Az-Zarafah | The Giraffe | N | Click* | |
Cancer | As-Sarattan | The Crab | N | Click | |
Canes Venatici | As-Sloqeyyan | The Two Hunting Dogs | N | -- | |
Canis Major | Al-Kalb Al-A'kbar | The Greater Dog | S | Click | |
Canis Minor | Al-Kalb Al-A'sghar | The Lesser Dog | N | Click* | |
Capricornus | Al-Jadi | The Young Goat | S | Click | |
Carina | Al-Qa'edah | The Keel | S | Click | |
Cassiopeia | That Al-Korsi | Who (Lady) Has Chair | N | Click | |
Centaurus | Qanttorus | Centaur | S | Click | |
Cepheus | Al-Multaheb | Inflammatus | N | Click | |
Cetus | Qayttas | Cetus | N-S | Click | |
Chamaeleon | Al-Hirba' | The Chameleon | S | -- | |
Circinus | Al-Bikar | The Compasses | S | -- | |
Columba | Al-Hamamah | The Dove | S | Click* | |
Coma Berenices | Al-Hulbah | Bristle | N | -- | |
Corona Australis | Al-I'klil Al-Janobi | The Southern Crown | S | Click | |
Corona Borealis | Al-I'klil Ash-Shamali | The Northern Crown | N | Click | |
Corvus | Al-Ghurab | The Raven | S | Click | |
Crater | Al-Battiyah | The Great Cup | S | Click | |
Crux | As-Ssaleeb Al-Janobi | The Southern Cross | S | -- | |
Cygnus | Ad-Dajajah | The Hen | N | Click | |
Delphinus | Ad-Dulfin | The Dolphin | N | Click | |
Dorado | Abu-Saif | The Swordfish | S | -- | |
Draco | At-Tinneen | The Dragon | N | Click | |
Equuleus | Qett'at Al-Faras | Part of the Horse | N | Click | |
Eridanus | An-Nahr | The River | N-S | Click | |
Fornax | Al-Koor | The Furnace | S | Click* | |
Gemini | At-Tawa'man | The Twins | N | Click | |
Grus | Al-Kurki | The Crane (bird) | S | Click* | |
Hercules | Al-Jathi | The Kneeling (Man) | N | Click | |
Horologium | As-Sa'ah | The Clock | S | Click* | |
Hydra | Ash-Shuja'a | The Brave | N-S | Click | |
Hydrus | Hayyat Al-Ma' | The Water Snake | S | -- | |
Indus | Al-Hindi | The Indian | S | -- | |
Lacerta | Al-'Adha'ah | The Lizard | N | Click* | |
Leo | Al-A'sad | The Lion | N | Click | |
Leo Minor | Al-A'sad Al-A'sghar | The Lesser Lion | N | -- | |
Lepus | Al-A'rnab | The Hare | S | Click* | |
Libra | Al-Mizan | The Balance | S | Click | |
Lupus | As-Sab'a | The Beast of Prey | S | Click | |
Lynx | Al-Washaq | The Lynx | N | Click* | |
Lyra | Al-Qitharah | The Lyre | N | Click* | |
Mensa | Al-Jabal | The Mountain | S | -- | |
Microscopium | Al-Mijhar | The Microscope | S | Click* | |
Monoceros | Waheed Al-Qarn | The Unicorn | N-S | -- | |
Musca | Ath-Thubabah | The Fly | S | -- | |
Norma | Morabba'a An-Najjar | The Carpenter's Square | S | Click* | |
Octans | Ath-Thomon | The Octant | S | -- | |
Ophiuchus | Al-Hawwa' | The Snake Charmer | N-S | Click | |
Orion | Al-Jabbar | The Giant | N-S | Click* | |
Pavo | Att-Ttawoos | The Peacock | S | Click* | |
Pegasus | Al-Faras Al-A'adham | The Great Horse | N | Click | |
Perseus | Hamil Ra's Al-Ghul | Bearer of the Demon's Head | N | Click | |
Phoenix | Al-'Anqa' | The Phoenix | S | -- | |
Pictor | Aalat Ar-Rassam | The Painter's Tool | S | Click* | |
Pisces | Al-Hut | The Whale | N | Click | |
Piscis Austrinus | Al-Hut Al-Janubi | The Southern Whale | S | Click | |
Puppis | Al-Kawthal | The Stern | S | Click | |
Pyxis | Bayt Al-Ebrah | The Compass | S | Click | |
Reticulum | Ash-Shabakah | The Reticle | S | -- | |
Sagitta | As-Sahm | The Arrow | N | Click | |
Sagittarius | Ar-Rami | The Archer | S | Click | |
Scorpius | Al-'Aqrab | The Scorpion | S | Click | |
Sculptor | M'amal An-Nahhat | The Sculptor's Mill | S | -- | |
Scutum | At-Tirs | The Shield | S | -- | |
Serpens | Al-Hayyah | The Snake | N-S | Click | |
Sextans | As-Sodos | The Sextant | N-S | Click* | |
Taurus | Ath-Thawr | The Bull | N | Click | |
Telescopium | Al-Merqab | The Telescope | S | Click* | |
Triangulum | Al-Muthallath | The Triangle | N | Click | |
Triangulum Australe | Al-Muthallath Al-Janobi | The Southern Triangle | S | -- | |
Tucana | Att-Ttuqan | The Toucan | S | -- | |
Ursa Major | Ad-Dubb Al-A'kbar | The Greater Bear | N | Click | |
Ursa Minor | Ad-Dubb Al-A'sghar | The Lesser Bear | N | Click | |
Vela | Ash-Shera'a | The Sail | S | Click | |
Virgo | Al-'Athra' | The Maiden | N-S | Click | |
Volans | As-Samakah Att-Tta'erah | The Flying Fish | S | -- | |
Vulpecula | Ath-Th'alab | The Fox | N | Click* |
The first reference, which is Suwarul-Kawakib (Uranometry) is one of the greatest Arabic astronomical books, which was written by the great Muslim astronomer As-Sufi (Azophi) about 1000 years ago! All the above pictures of the constellations are taken from that book, unless otherwise mentioned. To know more about Suwarul-Kawakib and As-Sufi, kindly find below the introduction of the book.
The Suwaru'l-Kawakib or the Book of Fixed Stars was written for and dedicated to the Buwayhid ruler Azudu'd-Dawla, (949-982 A.D.) who was a great patron of Astronomy and had erected an observatory at Shiraz.
Older astronomers like al-Biruni, Alfonso X, Prince of Castile, Khwaja Nasiru'd-Din Tusi, Prince Ulugh Beg and Jai Singh II based their astronomical Tables for the cataloguing of Constellations on this authentic Catalogue of Stars, Modern scientists and experts like Pocock Steinschneider, Hauber, Dorn, Argelander, Ideler, Schjellerup and Knobel have utilized it extensively. Even Argelander in his monumental work concurs with as-Sufi in his observations, Prof. H.J.J. Winter has also rightly emphasized the importance of the Suwaru'l-Kawakib in the field of astronomy in his own observations.
As-Sufi is the first person to have observed and noticed change of the color of stars, the change in the magnitude of stars, the proper motions of stars, the long period variable stars, the Nebula Andromeda, the Nubecula Major and the Southern Constellations which have now been ascribed by modern astronomers to some later discoverers unknowingly. As-Sufi has not only corrected errors of observations in the work of his predecessors like al-Battani, but exposed many of the faulty observations found in the garbled versions of Ptolemy's Almagest, carefully defined the boundaries of each Constellation and recorded magnitudes and positions of stars by a fresh and independent observation of his own.
Thus Schjellerup, the translator of this work in French in his brilliant 'Introduction' has duly acknowledged the superiority of as-Sufi over the Medieval astronomers and shown the remarkable agreement found between the values of as-Sufi and that of Argelander in cases where Ptolemy's values are divergent. Even the observations of Ideler in his famous work agree mostly with as-Sufi's remarks.
A Critical Edition of this work collated with the oldest extant Mss. e.g. [Marsh 144] Bodleian Library Oxford, written by his son in 400 A.H. and based particularly on the Royal Codex prepared for and autographed by Ulugh Beg, the astronomer Prince himself, now preserved in the Bibliotheque. Nationale, Paris, [Arabe 5036] has for the first time been edited and published along with the Urjuza of Ibnus-Sufi by the Dairat'ul-Ma'arifi'l-Osmania, Hyderabad-Dn. Thus the text of this work is not only nearer to the author by 24 years, but approaches to the original copy of the author as some Mss. that have been utilized are said to have been copied from the author's autograph copies.
The original Arabic text covers 353 printed pages and contains 55 astronomical tables along with illustrations of 48 constellations in 96 diagrams as seen in the heavens and on the celestial globe reproduced in color on finest art paper from the unique Ulugh Beg Ms.
The artistic value of the illustrated Mss. of this work forms an interesting chapter in the history of Persian miniature painting. This has been demonstrated by experts like Blochet, Upton, Dimand and Holter in their studies and art albums profusely.
The Introduction contains a brief survey of the work from technical and artistic points of view and embodies a digest of researches done in these fields by experts and astronomers like Pocock, Knobel, Schjellerup, Hauber, Suter and H.JJ. Winter.